
Antisocial? Join the club.

People may consider themselves introverts.
I know I do.
But by nature, people are a social species. We work in communities and societies, albeit sometimes small ones. These people that consider themselves introverted (or antisocial in extreme cases), are probably the farthest from that description. These are the people that read extensively in their free time, spend hours and days on World of Warcraft, and rpg for a living.

And these hobbies make them introverts. Why?
Because they're doing very little face-to-face communication. But think about it- books contain characters and vivacious dialogue. They're usually more satisfying than real life, actually, in terms of relationships. Roleplays and games like World of Warcraft are just unconventional social arenas. Roleplays let you establish relationships that seem more valid to you, and games like WoW give you a purpose and a shared understanding with other players.

So no matter how anyone goes about finding them,
life is about communication and relationships.

There is no such thing as a true introvert, because it's your relationships that link you to reality. And it's reality that you live in. There is no real question of introversion, because there is no real basis for introversion.
The question is how you go about your relationships, and how you reconcile yourself with reality.


  1. The picture is kind of mind-blowing. Made me think of how do you realize that we spend, say, if we live until 75, we spend 1/3 of our life studying/inschool, another 1/3 in our life trying to make a living, and another 1/3 trying to find a way to stay alive.
